"Sheet Ghost"

 “Sheet Ghost”

Praise God the problems they were trying to create with my admission were solved, and I applied for my visa extension, and I am waiting for a response.
Finally, I received permission to stay at a friend’s house for the weekend. She is from Peshawar, so her tribe is the ruling tribe. We went to an “aqiqa” (like a baby shower but with animal sacrifice) at her uncles’ house-they all live in the same house- and they are the lords of that village, so all the land, stores, restaurants, and doctor’s offices belong to them.
At the aqiqa, the baby’s mom asked me why I did not come to Islam. I explained that I believe in the Injeel, which, of course, she responded with the classic “it’s all the same. Islam is just the complete version” answer.
I told her that the Tawrat, Zabur, and Injeel (Bible) have one message-sacrifice is necessary for salvation. Whilst the Quran has a different message-good works are necessary for salvation. Then, interestingly enough, time-wise, they slaughtered a sheep for her baby. With every Muslim having a different view on why they sacrifice, I asked them why they were sacrificing the sheep, and they said for the baby’s righteousness. Like I said, sacrifice is what is necessary-case in point. Pray the mom will remember the words and see the connection and find Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice.
Later on, back at my friend’s house, the whole family was gathered in one room, and they asked me what I believed about Jesus and what the cross is all about, since they knew the shape but weren’t sure what it was. Pray for more seeds to be planted, watered, and grown.
Needlessly to say, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with such a sweet and fun family, them handing me opportunities for the gospel, and getting to be fully immersed in speaking Pashto, as none of them speak English at all. I was very happy to speak with Grandma, since in America, grandmas were so unreachable, so none of them cared to learn English and I didn’t know their language, so I came away content having reached “talking to grandma” level Pashto.
Pray for wisdom for the days ahead as I look at an opportunity just over the border where I may be able to go in the summer and work with orphaned children.
Pray for the gospel to go forth and the name of the LORD to be glorified!⁩
Kendall Freeman
Nov 18th 2024

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