

Temperatures in Peshawar are starting to climb to 110 degrees- and it’s only May! Praise God He has helped me with adjusting. It’s still difficult, but I am doing a lot better. Now I can sit comfortably outside at 100 degrees. Before, anytime I slept, when I woke up I would be choking and have whole body aches, so I didn’t get much sleep as I would wake up every couple hours to drink water. But praise God I’m getting more used to it, and I am feeling better despite it, still feeling miserable! Electricity is working better now, and I have an extra fan another worker gifted me. I was able to take a nap yesterday- it was difficult not being able to sleep at night, but it was too dangerous to take a nap in the afternoon because that’s the hottest part of the day. Now I’m slowly starting to adjust, thank God, though I have a bad cough from the hot, dry air and I have lost my voice.

Praise God I was able to find another family to take over guardianship. They are well-connected with a lot of people I know both here and internationally. Thank God for perfect timing as I was getting a lot of pressure from the previous family to change.
Please continue to pray as I have five assignments and a test next week and then, June 3, my final exams start. Semesters run six months long, but for whatever reason, the second semester is really short, so they crammed it all into a short period of time. I have picked up a lot more language, and I enjoy going to the shops and making transactions unbeknownst to the shopkeeper that I’m not Pakistani, chatting with the girls in the hostel, joking with the chokidars, and singing Pashto songs with my classmates.

Thank you all for praying and joining with me in thanking God for answering prayers! Khoda haafiz

“You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭11‬ ‭‬‬⁩


Kendall Freeman

May 21st 2024

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