Sharing the gospel

with muslims


Our STory

Originally chartered in 2015, Mecca to Christ has pursued a calling from the Holy Spirit to minister to those who turn to Mecca instead of Christ for eternal hope and salvation. We began with a simple team focused on one impossible task: sharing the gospel to all who would journey to or live within Mecca.
Our work is to encourage the growth of faith among individuals who may not have had access to these teachings otherwise. In summary, Mecca to Christ represents a faith-driven initiative that began with a small group of believers and has grown into a significant movement aimed at sharing the Gospel in challenging environments. The commitment to facing obstacles with faith and determination stands as a testament to the potential of outreach in fulfilling the call to spread the Christian message across the globe.

What we do

Mecca to Christ seeks to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims through media to reach the Muslim world, Church planting, religious and evangelistic training, related development of religious materials, medical and other missions, and humanitarian aid. 
