Our Story

How it all started...

In January 2015, a distinct ministry began its journey at a historic Catholic monastery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This monastery was generously donated to host missionaries and support a community of young believers dedicated to sharing the Gospel. Among them was Ahmed Joktan, who felt a strong calling to reach out to the people of Mecca and the broader Muslim world. Despite being frequently met with skepticism and the assertion that such efforts were "impossible," Ahmed and his companions remained resolute in their mission.
The inspiration for their outreach was found in the scriptures, particularly Luke 18:27, which emphasizes the power of faith and the divine’s ability to make the impossible possible. The group fervently prayed and sought guidance, relying on their beliefs rooted in Acts 1:8, which speaks to being witnesses across the globe. They were energized by the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-19, which urges believers to go forth and make disciples of all nations. This commitment to faith and action led to the formation of the first team, commissioned by the local church and mission ministry, to travel to Mecca and share the Gospel. The vision was clear: to embark on an unprecedented endeavor in an area known for its religious significance yet seen by many as closed to Christian messages. 

Expanding the vision...

By 2016, there was a notable expansion in leadership when Pastor Matt Black joined the organization as vice president. His role became pivotal in facilitating the deployment of more outreach teams to the region. The mission strengthened, enabling broader involvement and deeper engagement with the communities they sought to reach. In 2017, the ministry established its first online presence, marking a significant step towards communication and outreach in an interconnected world. By 2019, the movement formally took the name "Mecca to Christ" and became incorporated, which allowed for structured growth and the establishment of operational protocols. The organization has since expanded its reach, currently serving 32 countries, with a concentrated focus on regions including North Africa and most of the Middle East. 

Where we are headed...

The mission of Mecca to Christ is driven by a clear objective: to communicate the message of Christianity in areas where it has traditionally faced barriers. The organization's work is characterized by a blend of cultural sensitivity and a genuine desire to share faith, ensuring that their outreach does not merely impose beliefs but rather engages in meaningful dialogue with the communities they serve. Through various initiatives, teams are actively involved in providing resources, training, and support to local believers, helping them understand their role in a broader mission of outreach.
By empowering local communities, Mecca to Christ encourages the growth of faith among individuals who may not have had access to these teachings otherwise. In summary, Mecca to Christ represents a faith-driven initiative that began with a small group of believers and has grown into a significant movement aimed at sharing the Gospel in challenging environments. The commitment to facing obstacles with faith and determination stands as a testament to the potential of outreach in fulfilling the call to spread the Christian message across the globe.