Holy Spirit (3) الروح القدس

Table of Contents

Hello, welcome to this class on the Holy Spirit.

It’s a class for New Believers to strengthen you in your faith and to help you understand The person and the work of the Holy Spirit in your own heart Wherever you are. Welcome.

OK, the Holy Spirit is one of the Trinity. It doesn’t mean that there are many gods, but that God is 3 and one there is God the father. God the Son, And God, the Holy Spirit.

It is important to understand there are three. Distinctions here. They have different.

Offices that they fill, And it’s so very important that we recognize all three of them. The God the Father is referred to the high and exalted one, the maker of heaven and earth. Elshaddy or the God Almighty, the Lord most high ELO\h\eM.

God the son. Jesus is referred to as the Ben Elion Son of the most high the savior. The Lord of All the Redeemer, the bright and morning star.

God the Holy Spirit is referred to as the sent 1 the comforter the advocate, the executor of the father and the son.

In other words, the Secretary almost the like, the Secretary of the Lord of the Father, and the son, the one who executes upon the Earth.

The father’s desires. And is part of the. Salvation work of Jesus Christ, and he’s revealing that to the last people. And also to those that are his sons and daughters. He is the one that’s just like Jesus. He’s the revealer of truth and the revealer of the father and the son. Let’s take a look at some of those scriptures:

Concerning God the father. Isaiah 5715 says he is the high and exalted one. The Lord and maker of Heaven, Exodus 2011 and 31 seven.

He is the great elshaddy  he revealed himself we could look at that verse in Genesis 17 one.

So now when Abraham was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to Abraham and said to him, I am God Almighty. Walk before Me and be blameless. So he reveals himself. The man here through Abraham. As God almighty. It’s interesting through the life of Abraham. There’s a number of revelations of different names of God.

And so he’s doing that here in this particular passage, he’s also called God most high or Elele on Genesis 1419. In which God shows himself as this.

He is very high, he is higher. Than any other God.

And there is no God. Even close to being who he is.

I mean he’s the creator of heaven and earth. He’s the creator of the universe.

I’m a scientist, and I study. Those kinds of things, and I just marvel at the fact that he created the universe.

In an instant by his word. And only God most high could do that.

No other God could do that. God, the son. He’s called the Ben Elyon and we could look at that scripture. It’s Luke 132.

So it’s important there’s a link here between God the Father.

And God the son. In that he is the son of the most high God, so we could look at that very quickly.

And this is the Angel Gabriel. And he foretells Jesus’s birth to Mary. And now in the sixth month, the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city.

In Galilee, called Nazareth to a virgin, engaged to a man whose name was Joseph to the descendants of the descendants of David and the Virgin’s name was Mary. And coming in, he said to her greetings, favored one.

The Lord is with you. And she was very pretty.

Perspective was perplexed at this statement and kept pondering what kind of salutation this was.

The Angel said to her, do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.

And, behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and your you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the son of the most high and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father.

David, so here we see a linkage between what God is called. God, the father is called. The allele on the God most high and he is now called here then Elliott Benelli and the son of the most high God. So that. Provides a link between the son and the father, both of which are gone. Then we could look at.

God the Holy Spirit, the one sent. Jesus calls him the sent one and let’s let’s turn to John 14:26

This passage is repeated several times throughout this. Throughout this particular chapter.

In verse 25 of John 14, it says these things I have spoken to is Jesus talking to his disciples while abiding with you.

But the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things.

And bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.

So here we see. And we’re trying to understand the Holy Spirit as the sent one.

So we see here the Holy Spirit is sent by the father and the son to us as believers.

So we see that in this particular passage the father. Will send in my name.

He will teach you all things. We see a lot of aspects of the Holy Spirit presented here, and we’ll talk about these later. But here we see him is sent.

By the father in verse 16 and the son verse 16 he says, I will ask the father and he will give or send you another helper that he may be with you forever.

So he is. He says, I’m going to ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit. And he will give you another helper that he may be with you forever.

That word is also paraclete or comforter. But he will give you. And it says that it uses the word another helper.

In other words, someone just like Jesus is going to come and be with. You as a believer. Think about that.

You know I used to say go into situations and I would say, Jesus. What would you do in this situation? And he would tell me I am here. Through the Holy Spirit.

And I said, OK, I’d have to realize that I have to sit back and say, OK, Holy Spirit, you are just like Jesus being here, see and that’s what the problem Jesus had been here on Earth. He was one man at this point.

He was in a human body and he couldn’t be with everybody, and so he says, I’ve got to go.

So the Holy Spirit can come and be with each one of you individually personally.

He’s also called the comforter. We saw that. In other words, the one or it’s it’s a word called comforter helper to want to give you a hug.

Sometimes you need it. And the advocate, he’s also an advocate for you.

In other words, he advocates. Spiritually for you, and he’s like a lawyer, so to speak. For you, he’s advocating in the heavenlies for you.

To saying we need to take care of my son or my daughter, we need to lift them out of this darkness or difficulty that they’re in.

And show them that we still love them.

And he does that as that helper or comforter, in those difficult spots. I’ve been in difficult spots where I just don’t know what to do.

And I say, Holy Spirit. Just help me.

I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this situation or what’s going to happen in it. But just. But just I need a hug, sometimes God.

And he gives it to me. And he strengthens me, and sometimes he lifts me immediately out of that situation. Other times I have great peace in my heart that God’s in control of that situation. And then I just wait on him and watch him work.

He’s the revealer of truth in John 1613. Says, but he when he, the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into. All the truth. Kryal does not speak on his own initiative.

Whatever he hears, he will speak and he will disclose to you what is to come. So he’s going to reveal all truth. To you, you know.

So in this day and age, sometimes it’s very difficult to understand what truth is.

But he’s going to lead you and guide you into all that truth. That’s wonderful, isn’t it? And then finally.

He’s going to reveal to you everything that the father and the son wants to tell you personally.

Those are wonderful things about the Holy Spirit.

And I trust you can understand them.

Well, we’ve come to the end of this section. And it’s been wonderful to be with you, and I trust the Holy Spirit has begun to minister to your heart and will continue to minister to your heart.

I close with the scripture:

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.” Jude 1:20-21

We’ll see you again soon.

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